2021 Biolchim Group's sustainability report
Economic, social and environmental sustainability firmly at the core of both company's vision and mission

The Biolchim Group‘s sustainability report summarizes our commitment to making sustainability a cornerstone and guiding light of our business:
- economic sustainability because our financial statements reflect economic and financial solidity and allow for long-term projects;
- social sustainability because the effects of our commitment have a positive impact on the related industries and the community to which we are part and contribute to strengthening and developing our reference supply chain;
- environmental sustainability because our products are designed for sustainable agriculture, a concrete model of “green” and “circular” economy with obvious benefits on the territory.
The Sustainability Report, in its third edition drawn up on the basis of the GRI Standards, presents the results achieved in 2021 and shows the ability of our company to create value for itself and for all stakeholders based on an approach focused on the environmental protection, on workers support and on the sustainability of decisions and processes.

Download here the 2021 Biolchim Group’s sustainability report.