Soil, a precious “free” resource
Biolchim invests in the knowledge and care of agricultural soils

Soil, whose World Day was celebrated on December 5th, is the substrate that allows life on our planet, as well as one of the most important resources we have. With its incredible biodiversity, the soil itself can be defined as a living entity, capable of offering plants support, nourishment and protection.
Through the in-depth study of the soil and its microbiological component, Biolchim promotes the renewal of agriculture, opening the door to new opportunities.
A spoonful of earth hosts several billion bacteria, fungi, microorganisms, protozoa, arthropods and many other living units that make the layer under our feet one of the most populated habitats on Earth.
At the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Timisoara, Vincenzo Michele Sellitto, Biolchim project leader, presented a new model of agriculture to students and sector experts, based on the centrality of the Living Soil.
A Soil that is no longer conceived as a simple mixture of sand, silt and clay, but is composed above all of a vital tissue: the microorganisms that inhabit it. The microbiome represents a reservoir of genetic variability available to the plant, without which it cannot preserve its growth, health and fertility.
Fatigued soils, therefore, are also not very fertile. In fact, it must be remembered that, with their activity, microorganisms stimulate root development, make nutrients bioavailable and create a favorable root ecosystem.
Furthermore, through the establishment of real dialogues and interactions (endophytism, symbiosis) with the plant, the microbiome can help overcome stress and help counteract the attacks of pathogens.
Practical examples of this virtuous relationship and its value in agriculture are given by mycorrhizal fungi, which extend the root volume, but also by antagonists, which counteract the proliferation of harmful fungi, insects and phytoparasitic nematodes.
Microbiology applied to agriculture is the most important and promising technique for the management of agricultural ecosystems which will allow us to improve agricultural production, improve the quality of agricultural products and at the same time preserve the state of health of the soil.
It is precisely to these areas that Biolchim has reserved an important line of its Research and Development activity, launching on the market a series of prebiotics and probiotics, which have the purpose of promoting and restoring the microbial activity of the soil, improving its fertility and healthcare.
Thanks to Biolchim‘s Rhizosphere Project, valuable resources have been developed for farmers such as VHERA LIFE, VHERA, VHERA MB and T34 BIOCONTROL. All these formulations are allowed in organic farming and therefore essential for all those companies that care about environmental sustainability and consumer safety.

VHERA LIFE is a prebiotic: a biostimulant designed to create the ideal conditions in the soil for the development of beneficial microorganisms, while activating root development and renewal at the same time.

VHERA is a formulation based on mycorrhizal fungi and rhizosphere bacteria, designed to repopulate the soil microbiome and promote plant development even in the presence of hostile factors (such as nematodes).

VHERA MB is the most recent technical medium inserted in the line, containing mycorrhizal fungi, Trichoderma and Bacillus. The primary action of the product consists in the formation of a mycelial reticulated complex, which amplifies the activity of the root and makes the plant more self-sufficient and resistant against stress.

T34 BIOCONTROL has fungicidal activity against pathogens such as Pythium, Sclerotinia and Fusarium, for which it is registered. It is a zero residue product, with no pre-harvest interval and with preventive and curative efficacy.