Biolchim among the greats of biotechnology
Microorganisms specialist Vincenzo Michele Sellitto will speak at the symposium on sustainable agriculture

Addressing ecological and ethical concerns, agriculture shifts from chemical pesticides to sustainable practices. The growing interest in ecological pest control meets the demand for organic food and safer approaches. Research into the role of soil microorganisms links laboratories to agriculture and increases crop resilience and productivity.
These issues will be at the center of an important international event dedicated to the role of microorganisms in agriculture, which Biolchim could not miss.
The workshop entitled Trends in Microbial Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture will bring together leading experts in genetic engineering and biotechnology in Belgrade, Serbia. The event, which will take place from 13 to 15 September 2023, aims to address vital agricultural challenges and find new solutions for a more efficient and sustainable management of crops. Among the speakers, the Biolchim specialist, Vincenzo Michele Sellitto, a recognized expert in the field of microorganisms and soil biodiversity, was also invited to participate.
Sellitto’s speech, Living Soil: A New Paradigm for Innovative Agriculture, will highlight pioneering strategies for the control of phytoparasitic nematodes using probiotics and prebiotics.
The expert will share with the public new knowledge and solutions, the result of Biolchim’s research and dedication, with the aim of promoting innovative and eco-compatible agricultural practices, in line with global sustainability needs.
Download here the event’s programme.