Calcium and Magnesium nitrate double salt with Molybdenum
- Prevents calcium and magnesium deficiency disorders
- Improves firmness
- Improves fruit enlargement
- Improves shelf life of fruit and vegetables
FertigationFoliar application
The product can be mixed with all common formulations, except with products based on Sulphur, mineral oils and emulsions. A simple mixture test to check compatibility is advisable.
1–5–20 L
Mode of action
NITROCAM® is a double nitrate salt of Calcium and Magnesium, enriched with Molybdenum, obtained by chemical reaction of raw materials and not by simple mechanical blending. Due to the strongly acid pH, NITROCAM® quickly penetrates inside tissues and is translocated in all parts of the plant.
The use of NITROCAM® allows to prevent physiological disorders due to Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies, thus increasing firmness and shelf-life of fruit and vegetables.
Pursuant to art. 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP), before concluding the purchase contract it is required to read the risks associated with the product.